Monday, May 11, 2009

conti ....wacana media interactive 2009(rumah media melaka )

1. Film structure-> melahirkan idea (media film)
2. Methodology(gabungan bunyi, suntingan animasi)
3. Sejarah & Gaya Animasi-> belajar drp kesilapan
4. Lukisan Animasi/ Multimedia
5. Light broad “Lukisan arca” The thinker “Budaya”/tamadun

-No something about everything, no everything about something.
-x tertumpu kepada satu
- blue karipap
-“everything is connected to everything else”
-> Young jump studios.
- A passive for animator INSPEDIA(2D)
- SILVER ANT (guna trailer)

-Improve !! Power and Race
-Digital Storytelling using digital tool.

Golden Compass- case study
-character match movie.
- mummy 3->sparkling CGI
-Kingdom Case study
ALVIN& chipmunks-

-acting lesson

Fluid Dynamics
-Air/gas-> water simulation
-motion capture
-motion control
->high speed/texture affect
->software allocate..
Role tech-gy department->R&H
->need ability before function, Linux based workstation, linux 10.2
->cluster storage->node system, 1 volume= 1 cluster, nothing fancy, graphic card.
Cluster computing, infrastructure monitoring.

-programming with perl, C/Java
-operating-basic linux skills
-system-intermediate to advance linux skills.

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